Friday, January 22, 2010

What's another good rabbit hunting dog besides the beagle?

I want my husband to rabbit hunt (I love cooking with rabbit!), but we both don't want a beagle. What's another option, besides raising rabbits? I'd like it if you give me a list of other dogs that would be good for rabit hunting.What's another good rabbit hunting dog besides the beagle?
My Sheltie and my Brittney Spaniel both love rabbit hunting. The Spaniel does a point but the Sheltie Gretta tries to round them up. She actually catches about 1 in 10. She is really not good for hunting for the table. She brings them to me and puts them down and off they run. She is always to busy getting ears scratched to chase a second time. Like I said Gretta bad for table but great for laughs.

Spaniel Jake goes to point and then it is scan close cause he has a rabbit. He doesn't key on Jacks only cottontail and I have been told this is rare since BS are supposed to be bird dogs.What's another good rabbit hunting dog besides the beagle?
Many people say that basset hounds are good rabbit hunting dogs but I differ because Basset Hounds are really low and rabbits move much faster than they can. Coonhounds are very good rabbit dogs as well as racoon,fox etc. Beagles are a good choice but other than that I would also go with the Bloodhound.They are really good at getting them.
Many scent hounds can ';hunt'; rabbits but Beagles are bred for it. Aside from a great nose beagles also naturally circle while running the rabbits which brings them back to you.
I have always heard Bassets are a good choice. Never hunted with them though. Sometimes terriers can be trained to hunt rabbits. Take a look at the Border Terrier.
The next best thing to a beagle is a bassett hound.

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