Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What time is a house outdoor cat most successful in hunting?

What time does their prey come out the most? What time are they best at?What time is a house outdoor cat most successful in hunting?
mice are most active in early morning and early evening.. birds are most active in day time... gophers are active in day time as well, as are snakes etc... so it depends what you want your cat to catch (I do have one cat who catches gophers)...

a well fed cat is a better hunter becuase they hunt for fun.. if you only have to hunt for food you wont hunt as much... and spayed females tend to make the best hunters.. males who are not neutered are the worst..(too busy to look for females to care about hunting)

mice carry worms, fleas, and some parasites that cats can get.. so its important an outdoor cat be vaccinated and regularly dewormed...

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